Saturday, December 31, 2011

It went by so fast!!!

Currently listening to:

Hello everyone!!! It's been a few months since I last wrote! it went by soooo fast! Since I've missed a few holidays I just wanted to say Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!

Everything with my new roommate is great!! We are having fun and getting along great! School ended on a good note. Although I tried to register for an online class that would work perfectly with my work schedule it just doesn't seem like that will happen. :( it's a class in Alamo, NM so I had to wait for the class to become available for all other campus students. I waited and when that day came at 12:05am I got online and tried to register for that class and it was already full. I emailed the instructor and she said she'd get back to me and it's been a month since I last heard from her. I've sent messages explaining my situation but I've heard nothing from her. I don't know what else to do. Other than that everything has been pretty good. They are finally giving me full time hours at work...well sometimes.

Everything is great with my roommate but not with my mom. I thought maybe if I distance myself everything would be better but it's still a hard situation. hopefully it'll get better overtime.

We had quite a bit of snow down here in Las Cruces, A coworker and I built a snowman at work and put it in front of the dinning room table for the residents to enjoy.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas!! I had an okay Thanksgiving and Christmas. My roommate wasn't here to spend either of those with me and she won't be here to spend New Years Eve with me but that's okay I'm going to try and have a good time anyway.

Well I better let you go!!! I hope you all have a wonderful New Year!!

Prayer Requests:
*Please pray that my School schedule and work schedule will work out in the end.
*Please pray that I will still be able to work, go to school, and pay all my bills in the next year.

That's all until next time!!!
Happy New Year!!
Erica Nicole :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hey y'all!! I know I haven't posted in a few months sorry!! I've been busy!
Currently Listening to my friends Mixes on Soundcloud....pretty awesome!!! :)
Derms (instrumental) by djkreeone

So I hope you all had a great las few months!! I know I did! I think the last time I posted school was about to start so that's where I'll start! I'm not sure if I've told you all about this great amazing person who has become my best friend but she's pretty awesome!! She's gong to be my roommate today! Yep it's move in day!!!!! Woohoo!! I'm pretty sure we're both equally excited for this event today!!! :) My best friend and roommate is a competitive eater...yep I like to slip that into conversations every once in a while! I won't brag about her to much in this post but be prepared to hear more about her in the future!!

Let's see....I'm still working at an assisted living center. I'm not so sure if I still work at Victoria's Secret...yeah I know sounds weird! they hadn't put me on the schedule for two months and so I figured I no longer worked there. what else are you supposed to think when that happens! right!? well anyway this last weekend someone from the store called me and said something like "hey Erica It's so and so you are scheduled this morning for processing at 7-11 and it's 7:30. we haven't heard from you in a while. we were just wondering if you were still interested in working with us. Okay give us a call back." I never called back. I don't usually do that but at the moment I don't really care! I'm getting more hours at the assisted living center and more pay per hour so I'm choosing them over VS! And anyway they hadn't scheduled me in a while I just assumed I no longer worked there. Am I wrong in thing that?? Eh oh well!

What else....Oh I went to Florida about the second week of August!! Can't remember if I mentioned getting ready to do that in my last post or not but yeah!! I went to Florida for about 4 days! It was pretty awesome! I visited some friends that I hadn't seen in a long time!! It was really good to see them! What did we do? went out and ate at a few places! hung out with their son! went to the beach! I ran while I was there!! It was great the area where they lived was wonderful and beautiful I couldn't help running!! it was so inviting!! We went to my friends band concert! it was pretty good! Not my usually pick of music but it was good! I'd go again!! Did some "shopping"! I didn't buy anything but going in and out of the shops was fun!! I got to meet new people on the plane rides and in Florida and I'm always happy to meet new people!! I'd say that was the best part but I'm pretty sure the Beach was the best part! Don't get to see the beach often living in New Mexico!!

I mostly worked when I got back from Florida! My best friend went through some rough patches with the contract she had with the whole competitive eating thing. They didn't like what she did but she had good reasons. I'm not going to talk about it much but I stuck by her side. I've got her back. she has me and that's all that matters!! All those Nay sayers out there can just get over it! Quit complaining! It happened there's nothing you can do about it now!! I've read all those mean comments y'all are posting! Assuming what kind of person she is from what you hear from other people! I am here to tell you!! it's not true!! You obviously don't know here at all if you listen to what everyone else is saying and taking it as truth! okay whew I'm glad I got that all out!!!

hmmm...this month I started getting more hours at work. I went from Part time to full time! yay!!!! I went to the New Mexico State Fair in Albuquerque with my best friend!! We had lots of fun together!! hopefully we will have more great adventures in the future!! while at the fair we went to the Rodeo and concert they had there. this last weekend she competed in the Fire In The Whole Enchilada eating contest at the Annual Whole Enchilada Fiesta! She did great! It may not have turned out the way she wanted but she's a winner in my eyes!!!!

Now this brings us to today!! Move in day!!!!!! Not sure how well it's going to work out because my dad is working some crazy schedule this week! All I'm wanting for tonight is my bed in the room I'll be staying in! I'm sure I'll get all moved in someday! haha :) oh and then tomorrow my rommie and I are going to be going to another State Fair...the one here in Las Cruces!! We will mostly be going to the Rodeo and the concert/dance after. As we learned at the last State Fair we went to we are very much alike!! which I love!!! :) haha although every time we are talking late into the night I end up falling asleep on her and once I actually did fall asleep on her! lol I have no idea how that happened!!! I went in for a hug and stayed for a bit talking and then I woke up like 4 hrs later with her pushing me off her! haha eh oh well it's memories we will keep forever!!! :) Man I can sleep anywhere and through anything! haha

Well I promise I'll write again soon and tell you all about the adventures I'm having with my bestie and roommate but right now I need to get up and start packing some boxes if I expect to get anything done today!! :)

Prayer Requests!

*I started going to a Sagebrush community group here in Las Cruces!! I'm loving it a lot!! I'm meeting some great people!! Please pray that God would work through Sagebrush Las Cruces Campus and through the three community groups that they have started. I can see this church growing and becoming a great and wonderful place to find Jesus and to grow in God's Word!

*Please pray that this move would go smoothly!! I just feel like since i've moved back home everything is falling into place!! I know this is where I'm supposed to be!!!

*please pray that I would continue to work full time at work and that I would possibly and hopefully get more hours as a Caregiver.

Alright i think that's all for now!! I'll add pictures of Florida later!!

I love you all and hope to hear from you soon!!!!!

Erica Nicole :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wow the summer flew by fast!!

Currently listening to:

Hello everyone!!! I hope you all had a wonderful July full of great adventures!! I had a pretty good July. The 4th was fun I got to see family and spend some time with them. My birthday was great! Thanks for all the birthday wishes!! I spent my birthday with friends. A friend of mine's dad has the same birthday as I do so we usually get together for dinner at their house. There is someone I've met. We've been talking quite a bit and got dinner the other day. I think we might watch a movie tonight and we may go dancing tomorrow.

There was a time last week when I was feeling sad about not being in Albuquerque anymore and feeling like I didn't have any friends here in Las Cruces. A few days after that I met Jake he's that someone I was telling you about. I also found out that a friend that I haven't seen in a very long time...maybe almost a year but i've been talking to over Facebook IM feels the same way about the friendship as I do. I was starting to feel like she was my best friend. I feel comfortable talking to her about anything and her with me. It's been so long since I've had an actual best friend that I can talk to about anything. This makes me so happy! Things here in Las Cruces seem to be looking up. I still mis Albuquerque but this is my home now and I'm going to try and make the best of it. This new best friend of mine is out of town at the moment. she's been traveling all summer. she was even in the Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest on Coney Island in New York. She placed 3rd. You might have seen her in the newspaper. That's my friend!! I'm so proud of her! She's supposed to be back next week and I can't wait to see her!! It's going to be great to be able to talk to her in person in stead of on a screen!!

Even though we live in the same city I haven't seen or talked to my friend Katie in a while. I should be seeing her tomorrow when Jake and I go dancing, I'm really excited for the semester to start because that means Sagebrush video campus will be here and I will be able to actually go to church on Sundays. I've been watching the services on my iTunes. I'm a weekend behind everyone else but I'm still diving into God's word and learning new things.

Work is going okay. I still work at Victoria's Secret. I also work at my previous employer's Cottonbloom Assisted Living and Memory Care Unit. I love it at Cottonbloom. I came back in the hopes of being a caregiver again. they did promise that position to me. When I got here in Las Cruces I stopped by and they said they didn't have any caregiver positions because they just hired a bunch of people. They did add that they had an opening in the kitchen as a cook. ugh that's now what I wanted but it pays the bills. I still don't like it although I am working with the people I love the most. I don't like it. I feel like I don't get to know the residents like the caregivers do. All I know about them is what their likes and dislikes of foods and drinks are. I want to know about their life and family. I'm trying to hold out until there's an opening as a caregiver but it's really hard to do that. We lost some residents and so now that the facility isn't full they are starting to cut caregiver hours and even laying some off. i know it'll pick up and i'll be able to transfer it always does it's the whole waiting thing that's killing me. it's so much harder to wait when your don't something you don't like.

At the beginning of August I'll be going to Florida to visit some friends and I"m so excited. I haven't seen them in so ling and i've never been to Florida. it should be a fun adventure. I'm still helping with the Mosaic art piece in the downtown area of Las Cruces. we're almost half way done. the goal was to finish by the end of summer but we got quite a bit done!! Plus the summer isn't over yet!! I'll post pictures soon!!

Prayer Requests:
*Please pray that I would trust in God that he will provide me with all that I need. It's so hard to do something you don't like and watch others do what you love.
*Please pray that mine and Jakes friendship will continue to grow
*Please pray for me and my newly found best friend. Please pray that we would continue to be there for each other and that our friendship will continue to grow into something amazing!
*Please pray for my friend Katie. I haven't talked to her in a while but she did once before mention to me that when Sagebrush video campus started down here she wanted me to let her know because she wants to go. this makes me really happy. I just hope she still feels that way and wants the same thing.

Thats all for this post! I hope y'all have a great weekend! I love you all lots! until next time God bless!!

Erica Nicole :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Hello everyone!! I hope you all had a great Father’s Day!

Currently listening to:

Well I’ve been having fun hanging out with friends here in Las Cruces! The job search isn’t really going very well. I’m working at Victoria’s Secret still but they had to cut hours because they hired too many people. Right now I’m working two days a week. I’m stressed and scared I’m not going to be able to earn enough to pay my bills. I’m trying to trust in Father and remember that he will provide all that I need but it’s so hard to do that when I’m barely getting anything every two weeks. Currently I’m earning less that I was in Albuquerque. When I was in Albuquerque I was earning less than I was here in Las Cruces to begin with. I’m still looking for another job but I haven’t had much luck with that. I’d really like to work at the hospital. I have a few friends that are nurses there one is the director of the ICU and the other is the managing nurse for the ICU. I applied for the CNA positions that were posted for the ICU but I have yet to hear from anyone. I haven’t talked to my two friends about the positions yet. They both have families and are pretty busy.

The mosaic project is moving right along. We started putting the mosaic pieces down on the walk way last week. I don’t have pictures this time but soon I will post some more.
I’m still looking for a church down here in Las Cruces for the summer until Sagebrush Community Church starts back up in August. Oh and speaking of Sagebrush! My friend Katie, many of you already know her from previous posts but for those of you who don’t she is a friend of mine who moved to Albuqerque for school. She was going to church with me on Sundays. When she was unable to find a job she moved back down to Las Cruces. The other day we went out dancing and she had asked if I was going to Sagebrush here in Las Cruces and I told her no they are not having services during the summer but they will in August when the semester starts. She told me to let her know when I start gong to Sagebrush again because she really liked that church and wants to go with me the fall. This makes me so happy. I’m happy she came to me and talked to me about this and wants to continue going to Sagebrush here in Las Cruces!

Prayer Requests:
*Please pray that I would continue to trust in the Lord and trust that he will provide me with everything I need.
*Please pray that God would open up doors for opportunities for me
*Please continue to pray about the problem I am having. I mentioned this in the last few posts. I am unable to talk about it at the moment but please pray that I would be a peace and comfort at this time.
*Please pray that the Lord would continue working in my friend Katie’s life.

Well y’all that’s all for now! I hope y’all have a great week!! I love and miss y’all so much!
Until next time,
Erica Nicole :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Las Cruces

Currently listening to:

Hello everyone!!! I hope you all had a great Memorial Day! So I'm back in Las Cruces. The move went okay. I have things in a storage unit. There are times when I can't find something I need and figure out it's in my storage unit. There are still boxes everywhere. I'm currently looking for a job. I thought I would have one with my previous employer but even though I called them a week before I moved they hired a whole bunch of people as caregivers. They did say I could have a job in the kitchen as a cook. Although I love to cook and they think I'm a pretty good one, it's not something I'd like to do. I was able to be rehired by Victoria's Secret but it's only temporary. Right now it doesn't seem like anything is working out.

I've been having problems with NMSU. I've been trying to get into a summer class. One person was telling me I couldn't register without my transcripts and another person was saying I could. The problem was my previous school said they sent my transcripts on the 12th but NMSU hasn't received them yet. I was finally able to register for my summer art class. This summer I will be working on a tile Mosaic piece that is going to be on a sidewalk in the downtown area here in Las Cruces. I'll post some pictures of the project! The Mosaic is of the moon/sun and stars in a night sky and desert and water. it's a huge project.

nothing really interesting has happened. Normal life in Las Cruces! I'm church hunting currently. I've only been to a few churches so far. I've been spending a lot of time with friends and trying to get back into the groove of things again. One of my friends left for North Carolina for the summer. That was a sad moment because I had just moved back into town and he left a few days after that. I had lots of fun this last weekend! I went to a family get together Saturday, stayed over at a friends house Saturday night, went to the Wine Festival with a few friends and a micro brewery after, worked and relaxed Monday, and today I spent all day in the art studio.

Pictures of the Art Project:

This picture is of what the whole mosaic will look like when finished.

Staining the cement.

My art instructor working on the sun for the center of the mosaic

The sun finished and put into place on the cement

The walk way cleaned and ready for us to put the rest of the pieces in place.

The sun after it was grouted and cleaned

This picture is of a wave of water. I worked on this piece a few days ago. there were some new students so the instructor was using my work as an example of what to do and what not to do.

The wave again...

Starting a new wave of water. We had to tape down the wax paper and mesh sheet.

Fitting the pieces together

One of the new students helping me put the tiles together.

Well that's what I'm working on this summer. I'll post more pictures as the project progresses. If you're in Las Cruces this mosaic is going to be in the downtown mall between the Rio Grande Theater and Iguana's. come down and check it out!!

Prayer Requests:
*please pray that God would open up doors for job opportunities for me down here in Las Ctruces.I have bills I need to pay and money is scarce right now.
*Please pray for me as I search for a church
*There are a few things going on in my life right now that I need prayer for. At the moment I would rather not say what they are but if you could still pray for guidance and comfort.

That's all for this post!! For those of you in Albuquerque I wish I could be there for Wednesday night Bible Study. I will surely miss you all!

Love you all lots!
Erica Nicole :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Two Weeks!!!!

Hello everyone!! I hope you all had a wonderful Resurrection day!! :) He has risen! He has risen indeed!

Currently listening to:

I have a lot of decisions to make right now. I'm excited to be moving back home but I am sad to be leaving Albuquerque. it's such a bittersweet goodbye. I've meet so many different people here and I will miss them all. I plan on coming back to Albuquerque to visit everyone. While being here in Albuquerque I've gotten in touch with my country side. I've always been a country girl and I always will be. I grew up listening to George Strait, Brooks & Dunn, Randy Travis, Conway Twitty, Haggard and Jones, and many more. For me it's about fried chicken and a cold beer on Sunday. I love a good ol' Chevy Truck, the bigger the better for mud bogging! I love a rodeo and i love going out dancin'. for me it's a great pair of boots and a cowboy hat! I love horses and cows are cute! yeah I said it! I think cows are cute! the reason I'm talking about all of this is because before I moved to Albuquerque i was trying to hide the fact that I grew up country and now I'm happy to say I'm country!! :)

I gave my two weeks at work. My last day is going to be Friday the 12th. My parents are coming up on the 12th to help me pack things up and they will be leaving that same day and I will be staying for work on Friday. I plan on leaving Saturday the 14th. The whole house has decided to break the lease. One roommate is leaving for a mission trip overseas for the summer and will not be here. I'm moving back home and will not be here. leaving the last roommate here to pay for the whole house by herself. she is currently looking for an apartment or roommates who will take over part of the lease. since we are planing on breaking the lease we have to pay double the rent. which means instead of me paying $335 i will be paying double that. that's a lot of money for me. I am not even getting enough to pay for part of the rent. I still owe my roommate for utilities in March! I'm asking my parents for help and they are reluctantly helping me. I know it will al work out though!

Well for now that is all!! I'll update as soon as I can! I love you all!

Prayer Requests
*Please pray that I will have enough money to get everything paid and taken care of. I am having to not pay my credit card payment in order to pay for rent this month.
*A few things happened a couple of weeks ago and I have a meeting this week for what happened so if you could just pray that everything with that would work it's self out.
*Please pray that the move would be a smooth one!

Erica Nicole

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hello everyone!! Right now I'm relaxing at my parents house. I'm in Las Cruces right now. I've been here for a few days. I'm on spring break. Recently I've decided that I want to run a half marathon. 13 miles!! I started training. I'm planning on running this half marathon in maybe two years . The marathon will be in Memphis, TN for the St. Jude Children Research Hospital. So I told you all of this in order to tell you this next part. While training I sprained my ankle. I pulled some ligaments. I'm supposed to stay off my foot for about two weeks and the doctor said I can start running slowly again in four weeks.

I came to Las Cruces with a lot of important things to take care of. a few of these things are talking to my previous employer about getting my job back. They told me to let them know when I'm coming back and they would work something out for me. this is good news since I'm planning on moving back to Las Cruces. I also talked to a few people about what's going on right now in the relationship area of me life. It's getting complicated. I know that things will work themselves out in time. I'm just sitting back and enjoying the moment.

my previous employer also told me about some medical thing that was going on at the convention center and said I should check it out. so I went it was pretty fun. I got to talk to multiple health care facilities about CNA jobs

I was planning on getting a tattoo while here in Las Cruces but I chickened out for some reason and rescheduled my appointment. I'll be coming back in april to get it.

I will most likely move back in June and live with my parents until my lease in Albuquerque is up. I will be sad to leave ABQ, I really do like it there but it's just expensive. I'm getting paid half of what I was being paid here every two weeks. I have enough to get by and pay bills with a little on the side for groceries and gass but now that the gas prices are so expensive that money I had for those things is being used for gas. I would move back today but I need to finish the semester at UNM because if I drop out then I would have to pay my scholarship back and that's a lot of money!

The one thing I would miss is my church family in ABQ. the good news is that my church has a video campus here in Las Cruces so I would still be able to go the the same church. plus I know a few people who go there that I met in ABQ at Sagebrush in the summer.

I know deep down I shouldn't of moved to Albuquerque. I know it was not God's will for me to go there but I did anyway. I wanted to get away for a while. after everything that happened here I felt like I had no friends here so I decided I would move to Albuquerque where my friend Stephanie was. I've had fun in ABQ but now I know it's time to come back home. I feel like God is saying okay Erica you've had your fun it's time to go home. I have grown so much in my walk with Christ. I had pushed him away and being at Sagebrush and going to bible studies and meeting new people I feel I've grown closer to HIM. It's time to come back home.

Well everyone it's time I went to sleep! I thought I'd update you!!

Currently Listening to:

Prayer Requests:

*Please pray that things would work our with my move and that it would be a smooth transition.
*Please pray for my friend Katie she will be staying in Albuquerque for 10 months. she has been going to church with me but she doesn't really like to do things by herself. I'm afraid that if and when I leave she won't go to Sagebrush anymore because I won't be there.
*Please pray that I would continue to earn enough money to get my.
*please pray that my transfer to NMSU from UNM would be a smooth one and that I will get the classes that I want.

That's all for this time guys! I love you all!

God bless until nest time
Erica Nicole